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Fanfiction! And a quick update...

Kitty Lewis

Hello again! It's been a long while since my last update here, mostly because I've had absolutely nothing worth posting about. I just thought I'd update with a bit of news, though...

Someone has started a fanfiction of my work! It's called Seeking Demons, and according to the description it's a 'what if' AU story, if Kandrina's brother had been taken prisoner instead of killed by the lizard men. Here's the link, if you're interested:

As for my own work, I've almost finished editing Devil's Moon and have started working on the new Northern Kingdoms series. Some of my shorts are moving along slowly, though I've had some life stuff getting in the way a little recently. Hopefully things will start settling back down now though, and I plan on having a new Shadows story up for Halloween.


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